The legacy of the Coleman's on Martha's Vineyard began with a grandmother's desire to keep her grandchildren safe during the summer.

The legacy of the Coleman's on Martha's Vineyard began with a grandmother's desire to keep her grandchildren safe during the summer. Through Luella's hard work and determination, she accomplished that goal and provided a safe haven for her family. The legacy continues through the work and passion of her great-grandson, Kyle Ralf Williams, as he and his team lead the fight to make this country safer for all of our children. 

Kyle is the creator of A Long Talk About The Uncomfortable Truth, an anti-racism activation experience that was developed after the murder of George Floyd. He and his team have a 15yr game plan to dismantle white supremacy and eradicate racism by achieving their goal of putting an anti-racist at every dinner table in America.  

In order to execute this plan, we need to continue to build upon our growing network of leaders and connectors who use their platform to help to share our mission.

A Long Talk is a grassroots movement uniting people of all demographics from coast to coast. Since last summer, 40+ major universities, corporations, nonprofits, and K-12 school districts have not only participated in this conversation but more importantly, take action to shift the direction of change forever in America. In the last 15 months, our A Long Talk Community has grown to include over 2000 people who serve as agents of change in their homes and in their communities.  

Only you and I can end racism. We are showing up everyday to do our part but we need your help! Are you a freedom fighter? Are you inspired to join in on the conversation that is empowering people to become a voice and a force for anti-racism? Do you know someone else who is inspired to learn about the role they can play in making this a more perfect Union? If so, we want to talk to you. Click here to schedule a time to speak with Kyle and our company President, Kamal Carter to learn more about how you can participate in our 15-year game plan to dismantle white supremacy and eradicate racism in America.

Learn more about our work at A Long Talk and get involved by visiting our home page take your spot on the frontline of the fight for racial reconciliation in America.