What Is A Long Talk?

A Long Talk About The Uncomfortable Truth is an anti-racism activation experience.  Participants who self identify to engage in this experience agree to the completion of pre work before entering into the group discussion. This pre work is a multimedia collection of content reflecting the truth about the history of racism in the United States and the impact it continues to have on our society today.  Completion of the pre work occurs serves to provide a common foundational understanding of the issue.   The “long talk” begins with two, two hour sessions, usually held within a week of each other. While the majority of our experiences occur virtually over Zoom, we have recently begun bringing the experience live to campuses and corporate boardrooms across the country. The experience is orchestrated as a series of reflective conversations where participants are asked to listen, view, and respond in real time.  The conversations take place in large and small group settings using the breakout rooms. 

The three learning targets are listed below:

Target 1

Unpacking Your Truth

I will be able to make connections between our shared American history and our current reality.

Target 2

Finding Your Voice

I will be able to use the CPR Protocol to challenge racist comments and beliefs.

Target 3

Activating Your Activism

I will understand the reality that creating a counter culture of anti-racism can only happen through collective, consistent and courageous acts of identifying and interrupting racism.

The logos below represent some of the non-profits, corporations, colleges, universities, and K-12 schools which have participated in our activation experience.